The World of La Toya Hankins

Late-night visits to adult bookstores. Coming out shows on college campuses. Climbing the corporate ladders while never forgetting your roots. The love and support of sisters/lovers/friends.

La Toya Hankins seeks to capture the lives of the new Southern women in her novels, SBF Seeking… and K-Rho: The Sweet Taste of Sisterhood. Dedicated to capturing the experiences of women’ voices often left unheard in contemporary fiction, Hankins takes the reader to the cities and towns of her native North Carolina and showcases the experiences of living for one self instead of up to the expectations of others.

Kiara, Donna, Yvette, Yolanda, Danita, and Gloria are more than just characters. They are the sisters, sorors, daughters, and friends we all have in our lives.

Have you found what you are looking for, and do you have a sisterhood that supersedes sexuality? Come visit the word of Toya and find yourself among the pages.

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One of the hallmarks of my writing is that I always center my stories in my home state of North Carolina. I selected settings of metropolitans, college campuses, and small towns to celebrate my idea about Southern Sisterhood since publishing my first novel in 2012. I invite readers to tour The Old North State through my work. I choose the opening lines of one of my short stories celebrating love across cultures for today’s First Five Fridays. Subscribe to my newsletter and provide the name of this short story for a chance at some NC goodies.

“You know I’m an ordained minister, right? We can get
two of your friends over tomorrow, set up in your living room, and
get this whole wedding situation nipped in the bud,” Leah
Tubman’s office manager said while the two stood waiting for the
office coffee maker to finish brewing their morning salvation.

The mechanic purring of the twelve-cup appliance punctured her
offer. Completing its task, the deliverer of all good things hot and
black sat waiting.

“I mean, I’m not trying to be all up in your business, but I
hear you on the phone, trying to coordinate everything. Some
days, you make me want to pull my hair out. That is saying a lot,
considering how much I paid for this sew-in last month.”

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Time to Be About Celebrating and Showing Out

Hi Y’all-Happy 2025.
Wishing everyone wellness and good thoughts. 2025 marks 13 years since my first published novel, SBF Seeking, and it has been a fantastic adventure.

Between speaking on college campuses and participating in author readings in person and virtually, it has been an experience. Thank you to everyone who has read and shared my work.
This year, I want to look back to help move forward with continuing to celebrate Southern Sisterhood.

To that end, I want to engage more with those who enjoy my work by starting.

First Five Friday.

Every First Friday of the month, I plan to share my first five lines of a book or short story. Everyone who subscribes to my newsletter and provides the correct answer to where the passage comes from may be eligible for something special the following month.
Looking forward to more engagement, and until we connect again- enjoy a glass of iced tea for Me.

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New Year-New Published Short Story

Starting 2025 off with a bang- My latest short story- “The Early Voter Gets the Groom,” is included in a powerful anthology, Love Is Free, published by JMS Books.

 This collection features the unpublished work of 52 authors. It is a collaborative effort whose entire proceeds will go to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) to help with their work protecting the freedoms of all people in the United States.

My story is set in Asheville, NC, and proves that sometimes exercising your civic responsibility of voting can lead to more than just a cute sticker- it can lead to romance.

To get a copy,

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