Time to Be About Celebrating and Showing Out

Hi Y’all-Happy 2025.
Wishing everyone wellness and good thoughts. 2025 marks 13 years since my first published novel, SBF Seeking, and it has been a fantastic adventure.

Between speaking on college campuses and participating in author readings in person and virtually, it has been an experience. Thank you to everyone who has read and shared my work.
This year, I want to look back to help move forward with continuing to celebrate Southern Sisterhood.

To that end, I want to engage more with those who enjoy my work by starting.

First Five Friday.

Every First Friday of the month, I plan to share my first five lines of a book or short story. Everyone who subscribes to my newsletter and provides the correct answer to where the passage comes from may be eligible for something special the following month.
Looking forward to more engagement, and until we connect again- enjoy a glass of iced tea for Me.

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